5 Legal Podcasts for Law Students (2021)
Podcasts blend entertainment with education, enabling a new and often refreshing way to immerse yourself in the legal world. There is no shortage of fascinating and precedent setting legal activity ongoing, however, many of these can easily go unacknowledged. Podcasts offer a valuable insight, often accompanied with a voice of authority and knowledge, into a diverse range of legal issues, that you may not usually find yourself delving into.
Below is our list of 5 legal podcasts for law students in 2021.

BBC Radio 4's Law in Action
'Joshua Rozenberg presents Radio 4's long-running legal magazine programme, featuring reports and discussion on matters relating to law.' BBC Radio 4 Law in Action
With 148 free-to-listen episodes, there is plentiful supply of interesting and insightful topics with countless guest appearances to inspire and aid your development as a law student.
Fighting knife crime before it happens; Scotland's "not proven" verdicts; and the law on automated cars.
The legal minefield of private and public e-scooters; space law for rockets and satellites; new regulations for coal tips in Wales and a DJ barrister with no GCSEs.
What to do about unfair Covid-19 fines; civil justice is moving online; the Law Society's first president of colour, and private criminal prosecutions. With Joshua Rozenberg.
Law Pod UK
This podcast is presented by the Barristers at One Crown Office Row and covers a wide range of civil and public law issues in the UK.
'1 Crown Office Row...is recognised as one of the leading sets in the UK, particularly in the fields of civil and public law.' 1 Crown Office Row

Emma-Louise Fenelon speaks to Richard Mumford and Rajkiran Barhey about 5 key developments in medical law.
In Episode 145, Emma-Louise Fenelon speaks to Bill Browder about his campaign to bring those responsible for the death of Sergei Magnitsky to justice.
In the first episode in our new Family Law Series from 1 Crown Office Row Brighton, Clare Ciborowska and Richard Ager join Rosalind English to discuss the challenges presented to family court judges by the obligation to conduct full fact finding hearings where allegations of domestic abuse are raised.

RightsUp - Global perspectives on human rights law
'RightsUp is brought to you by the Oxford Human Rights Hub, providing global perspectives on human rights (oxhrh.law.ox.ac.uk) at the Faculty of Law, University of Oxford, with the support of a grant from The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities (TORCH), a University of Oxford initiative that seeks to stimulate and support interdisciplinary research.' University of Oxford
In this episode, Seun Matiluko, a journalist and a current BCL student at Oxford Law Faculty, speaks with Dr Shreya Atey, an Associate Professor in International Human Rights Law at Oxford's Department for Continuing Education and Faculty of Law, about a recent report from the UK Government's newly formed Commission for Race and Ethnic Disparities.
In this episode, we speak with Dr Isabel Cristina Jaramillo from Los Andes University in Columbia speaks about "Gender in Transition: Studies about the Role fo the Law in the Distribution of Resources for Implementing the Transition in Columbia after the Peace Agreement." We explore what gender has meant during Columbia's transition to peace and reconciliation and what the peace agreement has meant for the construction of Columbian feminisms.
This episode is part of a four-part series in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. In this episode, guest host Simphiwe Laura Stewart talks with Rekgotsofetse Chikane about the "Rhodes Must Fall" movement. They discuss the intersections and tensions of #MustFall with black consciousness, black feminism, and pan-Africanism, and the diverse histories of oppression and resistance across time and borders. Rekgotsofetse Chickane is the author of "Breaking a Rainbow, Building a Nation: The Politics Behind #MustFall". He was one of the leading figured of the Rhodes Must Fall movement in South Africa.
Talking Law with Sally Penni MBE - Woman in the Law UK
This podcast is presented by barrister Sally Penni MBE. Talking Law profiles leading figures in UK law as they discuss the highs and lows of their career, plus the challenges and realities of the legal profession. From woman in the Law and Business UK

This week Sally Penni MBE is Talking Law with Joeli Brearley.
Joeli is the Founder and CEO of Pregnant Then Screwed, a campaigning charity that strives to improve equality, fairness and representation for pregnant women and mothers.
In this episode Joeli reveals her own experience of pregnancy discrimination prior to starting the organisation, and discusses the impact of the pandemic on women and women’s rights.
Jason Pitter QC took Silk in 2014 and is a member of New Park Court in Leeds, where he practices with a focus on serious and complex criminal litigation, professional misconduct and regulatory law. He is also a Bencher of Gray’s Inn and a Crown Court Recorder.
Jason discusses his upbringing and how that inspired his career in Law. He also shares one of his most memorable cases that really demonstrated to Jason the difference lawyers can make in people’s lives.
This week Sally Penni MBE is Talking Law with Chris Kehoe.
Chris Kehoe is an in-house lawyer with a local police force by day and an award winning stand-up comedian by night. He is unashamedly northern and working class.
Chris shares some insights into what it’s like day-to-day working on the legal team for a police force, and talks about his podcast Mondeo Law which aims to de-mystify the law.

The Hearing – A Legal Podcast
The Hearing is a legal podcast from Thomson Reuters.
Listen to insightful discussions with interesting people who have a connection to the law. We delve into anything and everything – trailblazers within the industry, the latest insights in legal innovation, and we explore how the profession is evolving.
We also produce a regular spin-off called The Cross-Examination. These are documentary episodes where we do a deep dive into current issues and examine them through a legal lens.
Find out more about The Hearing. Listen on Spotify or on Apple Podcasts.
In this episode Becky talks to Katie Fudakowski, a safeguarding specialist at Farrer & Co, and Sophie Beesley, a personal injury barrister from Old Square Chambers, to discuss the law around duty of care to sports people who suffer head injuries as a result of their profession.
Rugby World Cup winner Steve Thompson is one of eight rugby players who recently revealed they’re suffering from early-onset dementia. Steve says he can no longer remember winning that 2003 World Cup. The eight players are suing for negligence. They claim the sport’s governing bodies failed in their duty of care to players, despite risks of concussions being "known and foreseeable".
With some experts predicting the case will settle out of court, Becky, Katie and Sophie examine the legal rights our sporting heroes are entitled to.
Ep79 - This episode's guest doesn't give up: he didn't give up being himself, he didn't give up his desire for children and he doesn't give up fighting for others, even when that means taking the government to court. Yasmin is speaking to journalist, trans activist and father, Freddy McConnell.
Freddy is a dad who gave birth. This story is excellently told in the film Seahorse, which documents his journey to becoming a single dad. Yasmin was also keen to talk to Freddy about his court battle to be named as the father on his son’s birth certificate. They discuss Freddy’s discovery of the legal realities for trans parents in the UK, and how the legal system views men who choose to give birth.
Freddy's journey through the courts isn't over yet and he’s taking his case to the European Court of Human Rights next. He's part of a global LGBTQIA movement trying to use the legal system to help every family be recognised as their everyday selves.
Ep78 - Question: What do the Iranian national football team, NFTs, Hotel Rwanda and Andy Murray have in common?
Answer: Stevie Ghiassi, Co-founder of Legaler and Legaler Aid. And Joe’s guest this week!
In this episode, Stevie chats to Joe about his unlikely journey from running a chain of souvenir shops to becoming a legal tech entrepreneur. He also talks about the important work that Legaler Aid is doing, and ways in which legal tech and blockchain have helped them pivot after Covid took away traditional fundraising streams.
Yet again we’re seeing innovative ways that cryptocurrency and blockchain are being used, and how they offer real opportunities for the legal industry.
Law & Society
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